Державна бібліотека України для юнацтва


H84    How Ukrainian Journalist Maks Levin Was Executed by Russian Forces [Текст] / Investigation report by A. Froger, P. Chauvel. — Paris : RSF, [2023]. — 14 p. — Англ. мовою.


- Анотація

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) gathered the evidence on

which this report is based in the course of the investigation

it carried out in Ukraine from 24 May to 3 June 2022.

RSF handed over the evidence to the Ukrainian judicial

authorities and will also provide them with a copy of this


The evidence gathered by RSF indicates that the

Ukrainian photo-journalist Maks Levin and the friend who

was with him were executed in cold blood by Russian

forces, probably after being interrogated and tortured, on

the day they went missing, 13 March 2022.

Levin’s body

and car were found on 1 April in a forest located on what

was the front line north of Kyiv.

- Зображення

- Теми документа

  • УДК // Історія воєн (воєнна історія). Кампанії. Битви. Військові подвиги в Україні — Англійська
  • Література іноземними мовами // Новинки іноземними мовами 2023

Місцезнаходження Кількість В наявностi
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