Державна бібліотека України для юнацтва


K86Kryvyi, I. R.
    Renewed in Warfire [Текст] / I. R. Kryvyi ; [I.R. Kryvyi]. — Lviv : NAA, 2018. — 64 p. — Авт. вказаний над вих. дан. - Англ. мовою.
ISBN 966-2699-71-5


- Анотація

The book “Reneved in Warfire” is dedicated to the Ukrainian army.

The book demonstrates its growth, its power, and, most importantly, people – the brave and patriotic warriors, who love their country most and in the face of danger have shown readiness to defend the state from Russian aggression.

The national Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi and its subordinated training units have became the smithy of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel since beginning of the war.

After finishing of training on military educational institution training facilities and its field training area tens of thousands of officers, sergeants, soldiers served in the combat area of Russian-Ukrainian war. The Sahaidachnyi Academy is also a powerful center of military diplomacy in Ukraine.

The book “Reneved in Warfire” is illustrated with unique photos that show both individual events and important aspects of military life for these soldiers.

- Зображення

- Теми документа

  • УДК // Образотворча, художня фотографія. Види знімання залежно від об'єкта в Україні — Військова справа загалом — Англійська
  • Виставки // This is Ukraine (до Дня Незалежності України)
  • Виставки // Discovering Ukraine
  • Виставки // Ukraine Forever (до Дня Незалежності України)
  • УДК // Військова справа загалом

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