Державна бібліотека України для юнацтва


M44McEliece, Robert.
    Introduction to Discrete Mathematics [Текст] / J. and other McEliece. — New York : Random House, 1989. — 514p. — Англ. мовою.
ISBN 0-394-35819-8


- Анотація

As a complete introduction to all of the important areas in discrete mathematics - and as preparation for advanced courses in computer science or electrical engineering with discrete mathematics as a prerequisite - this text is ideal.

The authors are well-known, highly respected mathematicians with many years of practical experience. They have included all parts of the subject that are essential for all practical applications, plus some less directly applicable topics which are intellectually challenging and fun (combinatorics, Euler's V-E+F=2 theorem, and mathematical games).

More than 200 worked examples, 1,500 problems, and 600 figures are included.

- Зображення

- Теми документа

  • ББК // Теорія ймовірностей. Математична статистика. Дискретний аналіз
  • Виставки // 2020/2021 навчальний рік - Рік математичної освіти в Україні

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